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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header

Chairmans Page

Photo of clubs chairman


Wishing all our members a Happy New Year for 2025. I hope you have had a great time over the festive period.

We have a full rally programme organised for the coming year. There are some new venues along with the old favourites.
I wish John Payne every success in his new role as Rally Officer and hope he will have success in finding new venues.

The charity for last year was run by John and Pauline Kelly and there family. What a success they made of it raising £3076-40p for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. At the time of going to the printers we have had no nominations to organise for a charity for this year. But l am sure we will be able to raise some money for a charity at a rally during the year.

This year the lnter Group Festival has no venue at present. When the venue is finalised it would be nice if we could get a good amount of entries for the home crafts, to bring some glory back to the East Midlands.

This year the committee and myself will try and improve on what we do at our rallies. Although most people say we are not doing a lot wrong. Please if you have any ideas approach myself or a committee member and we will see what we can do.

Hoping you all keep safe and will be seen at a rally in the coming year.

Paul A.