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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header

Important Notice : Due to unforseen circumstances the price of the Bakewell rally has increased to £15 per unit per night. See Notification

Latest Notifications

Roy Blackham has sadly passed away today 22/07/24

We have received the sad news that Roy Blackham passed away this morning.
For those of yo - Read more.....

Bakewell Rally cost increase.

Due to increases in costs, we have had to increase the price for the Bakewell rally from £13 to - Read more.....

Resignation of Chairman

There have been reports about gossip circulating in the group about our chairman.
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Rally Report

Burns Night at Hose 21-23 January 2022

Members were welcomed by the stewards Anne, Ron, Sue and Mick. 33 vans attended 28 East Midlands, 1Nene Valley and 4 Anglia.

The weather was very frosty and cold, but everyone’s spirits were high and looking forward to a Scottish themed weekend.

On Friday evening the rally was opened by a welcoming chat from our Chairperson, followed by bingo and a Scottish themed quiz won by Val and her table.

After a Saturday coffee morning some members walked into the village while others went on a bus trip into Melton Mowbray to buy the obligatory Melton Pork Pie. The hall was opened in the afternoon for tea and coffee.

Saturday evening members dressed in their Scottish attire and after the addressing of the haggis the members were served a 3-course meal prepared by Carol and her helpers. Very nice it was too. Curling followed the meal and the event was won by Mandy. Disco Dave followed this with country music which the members enjoyed dancing too and then the night finished with a disco.

Sunday coffee morning the Chairperson thanked everyone who had helped make it a successful rally and hoped we all had a safe journey home.
