Photo of rally(Left Image on site header)

East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header



Can you help?


Thankyou The Committee, on behalf of the Members of our Group wish to thank all those who have volunteered to be a Steward/Host of an East Midlands Rally.
No Stewards
No Rally
Without the voluntary help of Stewards/Hosts it would not be possible to hold rallies for the benefit of Members. Our Club is run by volunteers for the benefit of motorcaravanning and motorcaravanners. This is true from the very top, where our volunteer Council of Management steers the Club on a national basis.
Rally For
Our volunteer Group Rally Officer books the locations and dates and then seeks stewards/hosts. In return stewards/hosts enjoy the benefit of a rally free from the rally fee. Your stewardship/hosting will be acknowledged by the Chairperson at the coffee morning
Elementary Tasks The tasks are simple and enjoyable. A small amount of paperwork and signage is provided for you
Want to Help ? Speak with the Rally Officer or any Member of Committee. No obligation. All will be explained so that you can decide whether you can help.
  Please think about it. The Committee or a Committee Member usually stand in to avoid cancellation but there may come a day when this will not be possible