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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

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Rally Report

Country & Western Rally, Ingoldmells 10 - 13 March 2022

On a bright and windy Thursday afternoon we welcomed 33 vans to our yearly Country and Western weekend. There were 2 first time East Midland vans and we had a visit from a Anglia van who had not been on an East Midland Rally before who were welcomed by the stewards Brian, Ian, Jean and Yvonne.

On Thursday evening the chairperson opened the rally and we played our usual games of bingo followed by a table quiz. Some of the members joined in and played the dice game which was won by Mandy who donated her winnings to our charity of the year. Well done Mandy.

On Friday morning we had coffee and cakes. Friday evening we all got into our fancy dress (leaving our guns at the door) ready to be entertained by Darren Busby. What a brilliant night was had by all; jiving and line dancing the night away.

Saturday some members went into “Skeg Vegas” and some just walked to see the sea. Saturday evening was St Patrick’s night. Fancy dress was worn by some members. A quiz relating to St Patrick was won by Steve and then a table quiz was won by Val’s table followed by a karaoke. Thanks to the brilliant singers who took part.

Sunday morning the chairperson closed the rally and said she hoped we had all had a good time and hoped we had a safe journey home.
