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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

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Rally Report

Seagrave 25 - 27 March 2022

The sun shone for the whole weekend. The stewards welcomed 14 vans; one was a first time East Midlands and one was from Yorkshire Group.

Friday evening, we met in the hall played our usual game of bingo and chatted. We were then entertained by Rob and Eddie and an impromptu karaoke session.

Saturday was again a beautiful sunny day and after coffee morning members went off to spend time in Loughborough or Leicester whilst others decided to walk round the village then spend some time in the sun.

Saturday evening saw members coming to the hall in all kinds of headwear for Wear a Hat Day. A buffet of cheeses and various accompaniments had been prepared and laid out by the stewards who served members with wine which was very generously donated by Nancy and Tony. This was followed by a Mother’s Day quiz and a game of Scattergories and much laughter.

After Sunday morning coffee our treasurer Joyce thanked the stewards and the members for coming and joining in. While it was a relatively small rally, everyone had a great weekend. Thanks once again to Nancy and Tony for the wine.
