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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

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Rally Report

Easter Rally at Springfields 14 - 19 April 2022

Friday evening a lot of thought had gone into a team quiz, which everyone enjoyed. The winning team, the Deers, were headed by Robin. The booby prize went to the Grizzly Bears, headed by Pauline. This followed was followed by Karaoke, with the usual good and bad singers! Dave B and Mandy were the entertainers of the night, giving us lots of laughs.

Saturday was another sunny day for relaxing and retail therapy. In the evening we were entertained by The Wilkinson brothers with songs from the 60s. They filled the dance floor and kept us dancing the night the away. It was a very good night.

Sunday, we went in the hall for coffee morning and we had a Easter Bonnet Competition, the raffle and the answers to the pub quiz, which was won by Larayne Harris. During the Easter bonnet competition some very good and creative hats were modelled. Lynda Hidderley, who had a rabbit coming out of her head, won the Ladies competition. The winner of the Men’s’ section was Bill Tomlinson, whilst a special prize for best effort went to Dave Brant for just parading round with rabbit ears on his head! The children’s winner was Lucas, with Annabelle, Charlotte, Evie, Emily as runners up. Thank you to our two new members Kate and Ann for judging.

Entertainment Sunday evening was the ever popular ‘Angie’ who was her usual energetic self who had us dancing and laughing the night away.

Monday morning saw us saying goodbye to members who had to leave. In the evening we held a very entertaining Mr and Mrs competition followed by Mick, Dave, Terry, and Ian trying to get a knitting needle hung from a string round their waist into a bottle…hilarious! Then Rob and Eddie played their guitars and sang for us – a lovely end to the Easter celebrations.

Lynn and John