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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

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Rally Report

Queen’s Jubilee Rally, Wainfleet. 2 - 5 June 2022

26 vans arrived in glorious sunshine, 3 of which were East Midlands first timers. Once parked members decorated their vans with red white and blue flags and bunting. They all looked brilliant. The prize for the best decorated van went to Dot and Bill Tomlinson. We gathered in the evening for a game of bingo and a general knowledge quiz and then sat and chatted.

On Friday woke again to beautiful weather but a bit breezy. Everyone dressed in their patriotic attire and gathered for the jubilee street party. Hot dogs, punch and cakes were cooked and served by Les and his team of helpers. We were then entertained by Eddie and Rob till late in the evening. A brilliant time had by all.

A free day Saturday. Some members went to visit the vintage car rally in Wainfleet market square and some went into Boston and Skegness.

Once again, a good rally enjoyed by all. Yvonne