Photo of rally(Left Image on site header)

East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header

Important Notice : Due to unforseen circumstances the price of the Bakewell rally has increased to £15 per unit per night. See Notification

Latest Notifications

Roy Blackham has sadly passed away today 22/07/24

We have received the sad news that Roy Blackham passed away this morning.
For those of yo - Read more.....

Bakewell Rally cost increase.

Due to increases in costs, we have had to increase the price for the Bakewell rally from £13 to - Read more.....

Resignation of Chairman

There have been reports about gossip circulating in the group about our chairman.
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Rally Report

Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth 30 September - 2nd October 2023

Colstersworth Village Hall and Social Club is another new venue for ralliers to enjoy. 16 vans attended the rally which were welcomed by the stewards Paul, Jane, Dave and Champa in the cold and rainy weather.

The Vice Chairman Paul welcomed members into the hall to chat with friends old and new play bingo and take part in a quiz.

Saturday the weather was a lot brighter. Some members went to visit Woolsthorpe Manor where Sir Isaac Newton was born which was 5minutes away from the rally field or some went walking on the many nature trails.

In the afternoon a visit to a honey farm was arranged by Jane and Paul. It was very informative and you were able to buy the honey at the end of the visit. Some members then visited the local, The White Lion, for a drink and food.

In the evening members congregated in the hall to sit and chatppSunday there was a coffee morning and the raffle was drawn. Anne the Chairperson closed the rally.
