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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

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Rally Report

Country and Western Rally at Ingoldmells, 23 - 26 March 2023

The weather was very windy and wet, but all the ralliers were ready to enjoy a fun packed weekend. 33 vans attended the rally who were welcomed by the chairman, 2 of which were first timers.

Thursday evening started with bingo and then a western related anagram quiz and there was also a table quiz. One of the stewards Jean had counted bake beans into a jar for the members to guess how many was in. Well done, Jean. Also Ian had made a wooden horse so members could practise lassoing; such fun!

On Friday after the coffee morning members went off exploring the area. In the evening there were two western quizzes and then the singers enjoyed performing on the karaoke.

Saturday was a free day to go to Skeggy or Mablethorpe or just walk and see the sparkling sea (lol).

Saturday evening was dressing up time and everyone looked spectacular in their western attire and we were entertained by the superb Darren Busby.

At the Sunday coffee morning the winner of the bean competition was announced and the raffle drawn. The chairman thanked the stewards Ian, Jean, Yvonne and Brian for keeping the members entertained and thanked the members for making it a memorable weekend.
