Rally Report
St. George’s Day Rally at Hillstown, 21 - 23 April 2023
20 vans attended the rally which included 4 first timers from Yorkshire and 2 East Midlands first timers.
The hall was decorated to welcome the members. The chairman welcomed everyone to the rally and hoped they would all have a good time.
Friday evening bingo was played and then there was a number quiz and a quiz related to things called George. The outright winners were Janis and Barbara’s team.
Saturday was a coffee morning, then some members walked into Bolsover and went into the castle and some ventured into Chesterfield as the weather had brightened up. Saturday evening raffle tickets were on sale then members sang “Land of Hope and Glory” whilst waving their flags and then played a new game called ‘Take your Pick’ hosted by Paul and Jane which was won by Jane from Nene Valley. There was also a picture quiz.
Then it was karaoke ?? time which had a lot of new singers having a go. Well done to them all.
Sunday at coffee morning the raffle was drawn and the chairman thanked everyone for attending and hoped that our visitors had enjoyed the East Midlands welcome and wished everyone a safe journey ??
Thanks to the stewards Paul, Jane, Yvonne and Brian for stewarding at short notice.