Photo of rally(Left Image on site header)

East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header

Important Notice : Due to unforseen circumstances the price of the Bakewell rally has increased to £15 per unit per night. See Notification

Latest Notifications

Roy Blackham has sadly passed away today 22/07/24

We have received the sad news that Roy Blackham passed away this morning.
For those of yo - Read more.....

Bakewell Rally cost increase.

Due to increases in costs, we have had to increase the price for the Bakewell rally from £13 to - Read more.....

Resignation of Chairman

There have been reports about gossip circulating in the group about our chairman.
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Rally Report

Newark Club 21-23 July 2023

This was a new site and was well situated for visiting Newark or Southwell. The rain was pouring down, but credit to the stewards for battling on and parking everyone safely. There were 40 vans with visitors from Nene Valley, Anglia, Northern Counties, Severn Valley and NWMNW who were all made welcome.

Friday evening the Chairman opened the rally and welcomed all the members and visitors. Bingo was played, then Barbara had prepared a table music quiz (which got the old brain cells working) and was won by Rob’s table. Raffle tickets on sale.

Saturday was a free day for members to go into Newark to see the market festival which included Morris dancing and music or visit Southwell’s magnificent minster.

Saturday evening was a games evening: “Open the Box” , “Guess What’s in the Boxes” , Connection Quiz and a Curling competition kept the members entertained all night.

Sunday there was a coffee morning and raffle drawn. The Chairman thanked the stewards Bob, Robin and Barbara for putting on a fantastic weekend and wished everyone a safe journey home.
