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East Midlands Group

Motor Caravanners' Club

[ Admin ]

Photo of rally(Right Image on site header

Important Notice : Due to unforseen circumstances the price of the Bakewell rally has increased to £15 per unit per night. See Notification

Latest Notifications

Roy Blackham has sadly passed away today 22/07/24

We have received the sad news that Roy Blackham passed away this morning.
For those of yo - Read more.....

Bakewell Rally cost increase.

Due to increases in costs, we have had to increase the price for the Bakewell rally from £13 to - Read more.....

Resignation of Chairman

There have been reports about gossip circulating in the group about our chairman.
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Rally Report

Cromford Rugby Club 23 -27 July 2023

63 vans attended this most popular rally. There were visitors from Severn Valley, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Sussex and NWM&NW. It was glorious sunshine which continued for all the weekend. On Friday evening bingo was played. Members sat and chatted with old friends and new.

Saturday was coffee morning with bacon ?? cobs. Free day to visit the beautiful surroundings or Arkwright Mill where a beer festival was being held, so some of the members thought it was rude not to sample the ?? drinks on offer! In the evening members were treated to an open-air concert by a fantastic singer, Rebecca Daniels. During the night various events took place to raise money for the Smile Train Charity.

Sunday coffee and cake before the boules competition took place, won this year by John and Joan. Well done! A table top sale and cream tea then followed. In the evening Scattergories was won by Jane and the karaoke was compared by Kelly. Thanks to Nancy for the hamper which was won by Robin and Barbara.

Monday coffee morning when members said goodbye to some members. Free day then, evening was quiz time.

Thanks to the stewards Bill, Dot, Dave and Champa for making it a very enjoyable rally.
